Chemical year first semester...32 weeks of relaxing there is no more holiday...semester ni i got 2 projects...FYP...FYDP...hoho...rasa lain mcm la kembali ke utp skang ni...xrasa cm dlu...sbb internship kot...or maybe this is the last year for me to be here...skang wat suma bnda cm tak best...1 benda je yg wat aku week my team akan ada agak tak sabar la...nk tgk performance perut pas intern ni...last 2 weeks training cm xok je...rasa cm xready lg pon ada...for me main bola dgn kwn2 for utp league utk kali terakhir mst dihayati...i dont think much about the expected results...
FYP da dpt 1 habuk keja pon xwat lg...jmpa sv pon bru skali...huhu...dah la topic cm ssh je...KO aku kalo xprepare awal2...FYDP pnya group da kuar...meeting blum wat hopefully my experiences during internship will really help me in the projects...dlu etp je...skang FYP n FYDP...bleh kah survive?aaaaaaaaa......ntah la...aku nak blk umahhhhh...xmao blaja...huhu
FYI sjk blk ke sini activities yg aku wat...main magicthegathering...main poker...main x-box yama...makan...tido...makan tdo...tgk muvi...enjoy prabis duit...blum masuk pon irc...aiseh...petanda tak baik untuk sem ni...huhu...sronok mmg la sronok...bsama kwn2...mmg mcm ada yg tak kena...something missing...aku pon xleh detect apakah puncanya...gelak2 jugak...cuma cm kurang fun...kwn2 aku mst pelik...sbb slalu aku la gelak paling takda mslh lgsg...hahaha...satu lg mslh aku skang ialah my appetite...slera aku len mcm je lately...melantak cm tak makan sbulan...kalo org tak senang hati mesti tak mkn aku mkn byk plak...hehe...musykil2...
Esk lusa will be the last week for me to enjoy...since i am expecting very much works waiting for me in the coming esk pagi turun training...kalo rjn nk kuar ipoh...kalo mls nk tdo je...then enjoy epl matches on Saturday n Sunday...
Then i will suffer until the end of this semester...hopefully that i can survive the challenges...all the best to all chemy jan 05...kawan2, next year kita dah bleh dipanggil engineer...yeaaayyyy...insyaAllah...
2021 yang power!
4 years ago
haha..good luck2...a long journey awaits you..
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