PDP...plant design project...it's a group work...but the case given to us is very complicated...even the people from PETRONAS said that this project is too advance for student...he even said the composition is so weird...if a person from a very big company and a lot of experience said that what will you think???isn't it crazy to finish the this f***ing project in just another 2 weeks...impossible...sigh~what to do???just doa je la so that we can finish it by end of this month...apa2 pon chemy jan 05 mmg cun n macho la sbb masih bleh bertenang and still can smile widely to the ears...gambate suma!!!
Eupho???yes euphonious...last friday night...our batch had a representative named Band Jamen...2nd final apperance in a row...cayalah...overall performance this year cam kureng sket la...dengan kesengalan mc yg membosan dan menekan jiwa...nasib baik la ada bunkface dgn performance yg gila babas mantap...apa2 pon performance paling rock mlm 2 mst ar Band Jamen dan tak lain xbukan rektor...doc mat pon rock gak cuma kureng sket je dri rektor...lisa, pas ni kita wat PDP plak ye...jgn nyanyi2 time meeting plak pas ni...hehe
Dinner for Jan 05 students is coming on this 17th APril...venue is Casuarina...perghhh!! bdk2 ni ramai gila bli baju for this dinner...cam nak raya plak rasanya...aku?xbli la...pakai je bju raya tahun lepas...hehe...muat lg 2...b4 this dinner there were several events consider as the pre dinner event...macam futsal, badminton, netball, volleyball and sukaneka...stelah bertarung dgn sengit...akhirnya civil mng overall championship...tahniah~ bak kata bdk2 kos lain...bdk2 civil kuat sbb slalu angkat konkrit...btul ke bgitu???haha...mechi pon pttnya bleh thn la kuat sbb angkat engine...chemy gagal menjuarai sbarang acara kecuali galah panjang...weeee...mantap ahhh...good job for team galah panjang...(klakar tgk korg blari cam katon...hihi)...
cukup la 2 update sket...nnt busan2 update lg...2 pon kalo internet utp yg permai ni mengizinkan aku bka dashboard...
2021 yang power!
4 years ago
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