DSAI had won the election at permatang pauh...now it is clear that people really want changes in our government...the permatang pauh people has spoken on behalf of rakyat malaysia...all of the dirty tactics use to deny anwar votes are useless as people now are more clever in lookig for the right info...not only from the prime media which are very "berat sebelah"...even for me who is not in either side knows what are the government try to do lately...
kenapa kita smakin brani utk bersumpah...tak takut ke kepada laknat Allah?kenapa mesti campur aduk agama dgn politik..."politic is dirty" but "islam is purely clean"...in order to reduce the votes...to retain powers people are willing to do anything...tak kesian ke kat keturunan yang xpasal2 menerima azab dri sumpah...they thought people will lose confident on DSAI after they keep asking DSAI to sumpah...now they are the one yg rugi...kena tanggung sumpah lg...pas tu kalah election...tak bbaloi...
now everybody keep asking whether there will be a new cabinet in this 16th Sep...wujudkah MP katak seperti yang didakwa DSAI?now DSAI will be going to parliment...maybe this hiprocrites will come out and show their true colour...of course before this there's no one want to admit...some people say that they have no guarantee yet...but now the boss in coming...dont be suprise if not only MP from Sabah will jump...but it may bring some MP from semenanjung...
Pak Lah apa crita?nasib pak lah macam di hujung tanduk...umno patut sedar...kehadiran pak lah and konco2nya dlm umno hanya melemahkan umno...rakyat dah loss their trust to pak lah...umno should really have new kapten...nanti Pak Lah will face posibility to lose his title to Ku Li...awal2 lg Ku Li dah bgtau...dia mao umno brubah...kembali kepada perjuangan asal...untuk agama bangsa dan negara...bukan utk pak lah, keluarga and kroni...rakyat dah bosan dgn teater politik pak lah n kroni...
in this time we really need tun to come back...only tun and ku li je btul2 brani nk lwn empayar pak lah...mana org2 umno lain...sanggup biar tun kluar parti...suma dgn harapn akan dpt sdikit pertolongan from pak lah...tp skarang tgk la...DSAI will be returned to parliment...he may get his dream to become PM...ahli umno yg tak mengenang budi rasa lah nikmatnya because keep supporting Pak lah...
i dont say that i'm pro anwar...even for me he is not the man for the PM job...but when we see the option...Pak Lah or DSAI?better choose DSAI...give him chance first then after that baru kita decide on the next election...pak lah kita dah bg chance and kita dah lihat how pak lah slowly hancurkan malaysia for the sake of his family...in order for BN to fight back the Pakatan Rakyat umno has to change first...change the leadership...bring back the objectives...
apa2 hal pon BN jangan risau...my first vote will always goes to BN...no matter what happen...anggap la that is a way utk bayar smula jasa baik krajaan BN dlu yg byk membantu aku smpi skang...then after that baru i will decide on my own...hopefully who ever become msia's leader...he will always ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of the country and rakyat...always become people's slave...
2021 yang power!
4 years ago
huh.. anwar ibrahim tuh pon dua kali lima ajer.. kalo dia berjuang atas kepentingan rakyat selama nih, da tentu sumer hidup senang.. tup2 bila kene pecat, tros tuduh kerajaan macam2..
tak sedar ker dia dulu sebahagian dari kerajaan.. hubungan dia dengan USA, dengan Paul wolfritz yahudi mabuk tuh.. sumer tuh menunjukkan dia berjuang atas kepentingan sendri..
biasa la. kalo kita menang, kita kata adill.. betull.. bersih.. tpai bila kita kalah.. kita kata kita diorang menipu.. rasuah.. hantu.. macam tuh laaa... politik memang politik.. susah nak carik yang betul-betul bagus...
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